Who Are The IPCNC?

The Infection Prevention & Control Nurses College (IPCNC) is a specialist college of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation.

The IPCNC was formed as a special interest section of the New Zealand Nurses Association (NZNA) in the 1970s. It rose from small beginnings when the Infection Prevention and Control Nurse (IPCN) was a pioneer role within nursing and before infection prevention and control (IPC) programmes were embedded into health care organisations.

The IPCNC aims to be the lead voice for IPC in New Zealand. The college actively participates and is represented in consultation groups for national and regional IPC issues e.g. HQSC, ACC, MoH. The college operates within NZNO constitutional requirements.

More Than 800 Members

The college currently has more than 800 members with a wide scope of skills and credentials. IPCNC membership is primarily composed of nurses and other health care professionals who are members of NZNO.

New Zealand Standards

New Zealand IPC programmes are supported formally through the Ngā Paerewa Health and Disability Services Standard NZS8134.3.1:2021. Accreditation and certification programmes utilise this standard as the point of reference.

Conference Every Two Years

The IPCNC hosts a conference every two years. In accordance with NZNO Constitution requirements it hosts an annual AGM.

Are You Up To The Challenge?

Find out more by contacting us or visit our join-us page to join up

Our Passion!

Amongst our membership we share one common characteristic, that of PASSION!

We are passionate about reducing the incidence of healthcare associated infections amongst patients and residents. Whatever we can do to affect improvements in patient care practices that can reduce cross infection, we are keen to role model and promote.

Infection prevention & control is a career pathway NOT for the faint at heart!

We are up to the challenges that this choice of career brings!

Are you up for the challenge? Join Us