Infection Prevention And Control Nurses College

Specialist College of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation

Infection Prevention And Control Nurses College

Join us and become a member

Infection Prevention And Control Nurses College

A leading voice for IPC in New Zealand

Infection Prevention and Control Nurses College

Check out the IPC professional development framework

Who Are We?

  • The Infection Prevention & Control Nurses College (IPCNC) is a specialist College of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation.
  • The IPCNC was formed as a special interest section of the New Zealand Nurses Association (NZNA) in the 1970s. It rose from small beginnings when the Infection Prevention and Control Nurse (IPCN) was a pioneer role within nursing and before infection prevention and control (IPC) programmes were embedded into health care organisations.
  • We provide IPC education through conferences and short courses.  The next conference is in 2026 in Wellington, New Zealand.

IPCNC has developed and reviewed an IPC Professional Development Framework for IPC practitioners to help guide their IPC pathway and identify achievements in their field.

IPC Professional Development Framework

Benefits of IPCNC

Come join us and become a member of the Infection Prevention & Control Nurses College (IPCNC).

Enjoy the benefits of belonging to IPCNC:

  • Access to a two-yearly conference at member’s rate.
  • Access to members only forum to have your questions answered
  • Free Fundamentals of IPC course entry
  • Access to educational webinars
  • Option to keep up to date with what is happening in IPC in NZ
  • Leadership opportunities as part of the college.

Our Passion!

Amongst our membership we share one common characteristic, that of PASSION!

We are passionate about reducing the incidence of healthcare associated infections amongst patients and residents. Whatever we can do to affect improvements in patient care practices that can reduce cross infection, we are keen to role model and promote.
Infection Prevention & Control is a career pathway not for the faint at heart!
We are up to the challenges that this choice of career brings!

The college

The Infection Prevention & Control Nurses College (IPCNC) is a specialist college of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation.


The IPCNC was formed as a special interest section of the New Zealand Nurses Association (NZNA) in the 1970s, and helped embed IPC programmes in nursing and health care organisations.

Lead voice in IPC in NZ

The IPCNC aims to be the lead voice for IPC in New Zealand. The college actively participates and is represented in consultation groups for national and regional IPC issues e.g. HQSC, ACC, MoH.


IPCNC operates within NZNO constitutional requirements, hosting an annual AGM and conference every two years.


IPCNC has more than 800 members with extensive skills and credentials. Nurses make up most of the IPCNC membership, with other health professionals and interested parties being associate members.

The Ngā Paerewa Health and Disability Services Standard provides a framework for IPC

New Zealand IPC, accreditation and certification programmes are underpinned by the Ngā Paerewa Health and Disability Services Standard NZS8134.3.1:2021.

Get in Touch

Want to join? A new practitioner needing support? Looking for information about IPCNC? Feel free to get in touch

Contact Us

Opportunity to contribute to research

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Hannah Kent, and I am a critical care RN and PhD candidate in the School of Nursing at Avondale University, supervised by Professor Brett Mitchell, Associate Professor Joanne Lewis, and Dr. Sonja Dawson. My research is on infection prevention and focuses on understanding and enhancing the application of aseptic technique in clinical practice. As part of my research, I am conducting a survey to explore nurses' understanding and application of aseptic technique in clinical practice across Australia and New Zealand. The survey aims to gather insights into how nurses perceive and implement aseptic practices, as well as to identify any variations in its application across different clinical contexts. I am writing to kindly request your assistance in distributing this survey invitation via email to nurses and midwives in NZ. Their valuable input would contribute significantly to this research by providing perspectives from those engaged in both nursing education and/or clinical practice. Below is the link and QR code to the survey, I have also attached the flyer if needed.

Click here for more details.



9th International Infection Control Conference 2025


Start: Fri 30 May 2025 - 00:00

End: Sun 01 June 2025 - 00:00

The 9th IICC will provide an excellent platform for you to discover solutions to pressing infection prevention and control challenges, learn about the latest research, stay up-to-date on best practices, and collaborate to create a safer world through effective infection control. The IICC is a biennial conference, and the theme for 2025 is "Connect, Inspire and Engage". We have already invited many internationally renowned local and global speakers to share the latest evidence and cutting-edge information on infection control. In addition to the insightful discussions, the conference will also offer participants valuable opportunities for academic and professional networking and collaboration. Overseas participants can also take this chance to explore the beauty and vibrancy of Hong Kong, a dynamic city that seamlessly blends rich Chinese tradition and modern Western influences. Official language for the Conference is ENGLISH.