T&E Scholarship deadline brought forward to August 1st 2024

Usually the two rounds of funding for travel and education scholarships (T&E) have a cutoff date of April 30th, and August 31st. This year due to an earlier IPCNC conference, and more difficulty for those finding funding for the conference, the IPCNC committee has decided to bring this deadline forward. We are hoping to give every opportunity available to our members who wish to attend conference in Hamilton this year.

Please complete the T&E scholarship application & send to secretary@ipcnc.co.nz before the end of August 1st 2024 for your chance to attend the NZ IPCNC Conference.

Those successful applicants will be informed on the 5th of August. Best of luck!

Terms are on the application.




Nursing Educator- Solomon Islands

Hi All,


Please share with your networks. There is a big need for nursing educators here at the National Referral Hospital in Honiara, Solomon Islands. 

Those that are interested but unable to commit to a whole year – I encourage you to speak to VSA as they may be open to a flexible arrangement. 


If you’re a nurse with 3+ years of experience and a sense of adventure, this position might be for you! 🇸🇧


VSA (Volunteer Service Abroad) is looking for a Nursing Education Mentor to come to the National Referral Hospital in Honiara, Solomon Islands. This is a chance to contribute to the professional development of nurses, and make a real difference. The position is flexible, depending on your experience and area of interest.


I strongly urge those interested to consider this amazing opportunity. I’ve been here in the Solomons the past 14 months, and happy to answer any questions. My time here has been incredible and will stay with me forever. 🇸🇧❤️




Katie Croom

Phone: +6777555345

WhatsApp: +64273961882