New Practitioner Support

The IPCNC provides support for new practitioners through mentoring, courses, events, publications and support.

Some of these resources are available under professional development/education, or you can reach and contact us directly.

We also recommend signing up for the Fundamentals of IPC Programme- this course is free for IPCNC members.

Check out the IPC professional development framework below to help guide & develop your IPC pathway.


The IPCNC Professional Development Framework 2024_Final was reviewed and Updated May 2024


IPC is a fundamental component of all nursing care. However some nurses become
specialists, with the IPC component of their role recognised within their formal
employment. For all of these areas of practice, a framework within which an individual
can articulate their level of practice and be able to set personal development goals is
required. It can assist the employer and nurse to set goals and provide a more structured
pathway to a higher level of practice