IPCNC Scholarship and Awards

IPCNC has a number of scholarships and awards for education. Some of them are listed below or you can talk to your regional representative to discover some of these educational opportunities.

IPCNC Travel & Education Scholarships

IPC practitioners who have been an IPCNC member for 2 years are able to apply for a scholarship towards education and professional development. Applications close twice a year, last day of April and last day of August. Scroll to bottom of page for application form

IPCNC Conference awards

Two Endurocide grants are awarded to successful members who present at the IPCNC national conference: Best Oral Presentation Best New Oral Presenter Conditions for entry apply - Related links to come

IPCNC conference Best Poster award

The IPCNC Conference Poster Award is awarded to the IPCNC member(s) who submits the best poster at the conference.


Endurocide Sporicidal Curtains Conference Awards

  • Award for Best Oral Presentation at Conference
    • IPCNC Conference Best Oral Presentation grant is awarded to the Infection Prevention &
      Control Nurses College (IPCNC) member who presents the best paper at the IPCNC national
      conference. The award is to the value of $3000 NZD and is to be used for travel, registration and
      accommodation costs to attend an international infection control conference approved by the
      IPCNC committee
  • Award for Best New Oral Presenter
    •  IPCNC Conference ‘Best New Oral Presenter’ grant is awarded to the Infection Prevention
      & Control Nurses College (IPCNC) member who is presenting a paper at the national IPCNC
      Conference for the first time. The award is to the value of $500 NZD and is to be used towards
      travel, registration and accommodation to attend an IPCNC national conference

Poster Award

  • The IPCNC Conference Poster Award is awarded to the IPCNC member(s) who submits the best
    poster at the conference. The award is to the value of $500 NZD and may be used at the
    discretion of the recipient
  • Related Links > Entry Form | Conditions of award | Poster Template


Travel and Education Scholarship Application Form