Endurocide Sporicidal Curtains Conference Awards
- Award for Best Oral Presentation at Conference
- IPCNC Conference Best Oral Presentation grant is awarded to the Infection Prevention &
Control Nurses College (IPCNC) member who presents the best paper at the IPCNC national
conference. The award is to the value of $3000 NZD and is to be used for travel, registration and
accommodation costs to attend an international infection control conference approved by the
IPCNC committee
- IPCNC Conference Best Oral Presentation grant is awarded to the Infection Prevention &
- Award for Best New Oral Presenter
- IPCNC Conference ‘Best New Oral Presenter’ grant is awarded to the Infection Prevention
& Control Nurses College (IPCNC) member who is presenting a paper at the national IPCNC
Conference for the first time. The award is to the value of $500 NZD and is to be used towards
travel, registration and accommodation to attend an IPCNC national conference
- IPCNC Conference ‘Best New Oral Presenter’ grant is awarded to the Infection Prevention
Poster Award
- The IPCNC Conference Poster Award is awarded to the IPCNC member(s) who submits the best
poster at the conference. The award is to the value of $500 NZD and may be used at the
discretion of the recipient - Related Links > Entry Form | Conditions of award | Poster Template